Newer activities

Anna, Doro, Tye, Suchandra, and Rasmus at the EUROMAR in Bilbao.

TU Dortmund summerfest

Group excursion with "adventure mini golf"...

Himanshu (center) and his ISMAR Young Scientist Award (ISMAR 2023 in Brisbane)

Rasmus presenting/teaching at ANZMAG conference and the India EMBO lecture course.

The Dortmund Christmas market and its world-tallest Christmas tree.



Installation of a new 0.7 mm probe (a little too long?) and a small group event with visitor Kristof from Bruker

An additional magnet for our research: The "old" 600 MHz spectrometer...

Alex receives one of the Ernst awards for our 2022 PNAS paper


Our regional NMR network meeting, featuring Christian Griesinger and Clemens Glaubitz, among many other speakers and poster presentation...


Alex, Rasmus, Katja, and Anna in Utrecht (EUROMAR 2022)


Alex defends his PhD thesis


Visiting the Dortmund Christmas Market

Small group excursion to Phoenixsee

Social distancing during the pandemic


Kristof defends his PhD thesis. The group joins.


Celebration time again.


Suresh and Rasmus meet their Australian collaborators. Thereafter, Rasmus is an invited speaker at the Thompson price event and the ANZmag conference.

A group breakfast in the honor of Kristof (visiting from Munich).

Himanshu and Rasmus present at the EUROISMAR in Berlin.


The warmest days of the year. Group seminar, probe installations, and self-made ice cream in the park.


July 2019: Conclusions from the group's work in the CeNS 2018 review and

some cover art activities for Himanshu's paper (compare the cover art galerie).

The alternative group picture.


The NMR lab and our corridor upstairs.


The inauguration lecture, with Profs. Paul Czodrowski and Andreas Steffen

Photo session for a local press release...

Rasmus presents the group's work at the ENC 2019.



The lab move in April.


SFB 1309 retreat in San Servolo..!

First group visit to Dortmund in March 2019.



Dortmund labspace slowly gets a shape.